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Aries Eclipse Reading

We are closing out another cycle. Be kind and compassionate with YOU as you move through the last part of this death portal. You're doing it!

We are closing out another cycle, heading towards the exit sign of this death portal we have been trudging through. [The World, facing left]

And while it might seem impossible to you because you’ve been navigating some uncomfortable challenges, TRUST that you HAVE been doing the work. You’re doing it already, and you’re learning to hold and embody the new frequencies of these new perspectives that have been coming through these recent invitations into deeper consciousness.

These new perspectives coming from leaning into our fears – learning where and how our defensive survival patterning shows up, and how we need to shift in our responses to others to break these patterns – are also bringing changes to our desires, what we want to create in the world, what defines safety for us. [Ace of Discs, reversed]

A gentle reminder to not be hard on yourself for the choices that you had made when you were still imprisoned by fear. You showed up the only way you were capable of. There are no mistakes, no wrong turns, so don’t rake yourself over the coals because you think you should have known better.

This life is a journey. All the twists and turns of our choices guide us to receive the very experiences that will free us from our outdated patterns. Trust the process. You have been given this unique series of experiences for a reason. You have made choices that were the right choices to make at the time. Hindsight is always 20/20 so I invite you to be extra gentle and kind to yourself as you continue to release the charge of unresolved trauma, and learn how to stand and embody the full frequency of your power.

We are all making the necessary tweaks and recalibrations, rewiring our responses according to what we’re being shown about ourselves.

As with all eclipses, this is a moment where the light is obscured, so it’s difficult to know what’s ahead, or even the outlines of the path you’re standing on. [Shaman of Discs, reversed]

This is a moment where we are meant to take it slow so that we can integrate what we’re learning, the new perspectives held in our system, the new frequencies of consciousness in our vessel. It’s not a coincidence that Mercury Rx is happening at the same time. Slow and steady, with lots of stillness, rest, and space to just love up on yourself and your body.

Liminal spaces are always invitations for us to TRUST and SURRENDER to the process that is already happening.

As we move forward out of this death portal and into our rebirth, we will begin to feel the momentum pushing us into our work, our (new) passions and desires for what we desire to create here on this Earth.

I want to be clear about the word “work” as it often gets relegated to career and what we do for income. That’s not what I intend it to mean.

We all have vessels and containers that we pour our hearts – our divine essence of love – into to be shared with others. For some of us, our container is our family, and our work looks like pouring our hearts into nurturing and caring for the members of our family.

Others enjoy cooking, and pour their essence into the food that they make for their communities and loved ones.

Some coach Little League. Some volunteer for hospice or animal sanctuary. Some create music and art that become the vessels expressing their essence, and that invite us to connect to our own.

For myself, I create containers of healing that look like private spirit medicine journeys, Death/Rebirth mentorship program, Medicine Membership, and future retreats. These are all vessels that I pour my divine essence into, tangible offerings that someone can grasp and receive from me.

Even this very reading you’re receiving is a vessel of my love that flows to you, the recipient.

As we flow through April into the fullness of Spring, we will be diving into our creative, heart-led work. We may connect to new people through our work, like-minded individuals whose hearts are also aligned to what we desire to create in our new clarity.

I’m excited for this moment that we are in, as it marks a big step of growth in our collective consciousness.

Sending much love and blessings your way. Thank you for receiving this gift of my heart. And if you feel compelled, please consider becoming a patron or subscriber.

Grateful as always to be a channel for divine love and wisdom,


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Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.