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Aquarius Full Moon Reading

Pull your energy back in to listen to your intuition for the answers

Pull your energy back into you. Notice when you’re caught up in the external windstorms of news, information, ideas, perspectives, opinions that take you away from the core of your being. Son of Cups reversed.

Rather than just taking information at face value, run it against the litmus test of your intuition by creating still space to listen to your body’s nudges. Priestess of Cups, tilt right.

  • How does this opinion/idea/thought sit within you?

  • Does this opinion/idea/thought make you feel expansive or contractive?

  • How is your body reacting to this opinion/idea/thought?

Many of us (hand raised) seek answers through research – asking multiple sources, reading up on all the written pieces, watching videos, listening to podcasts. We tend to trust others with their perspectives over our own sometimes because we believe we don’t know enough.

But what we are being reminded of is that our intuitive guts, our hearts, our inner wise being has everything they need to know how we need to respond. That information doesn’t come from outside of us.

There are many different ways we can respond to the injustices of the world and our personal lives. Some choose to fight fire with fire. Personally, that has never served me well, nor do I see that strategy ever bringing anyone closer to true liberation.

Fire is seductive. It makes us feel powerful, especially when we have others’ fire blazing against our own, riling us up into a frenzy. But it can be catastrophically destructive if not wielded with respect, discipline, and compassion.

We are learning individually how to break free from the shackles of public opinion and mass hysteria to instead listen to our own internal divine wisdom to determine how we choose to show up. Devil reversed.

We are learning that the answers we seek are never outside of us. And we are learning to redirect some of that energy within that just wants to give give give to the cause until we’re burnt and empty, back into ourselves. 6 of Discs, tilt right.

None of us are any good to anyone we love or any movement unless we take care of our needs first. Honor your life-force energy – it’s priceless. We have to make still space to hear our bodies – our intuition – guiding us towards what is aligned with our souls.

We are in a collective death portal that might feel slow and painful. And there may be more we need to learn before we fully embody the transformation of this moment in our evolution. Death reversed.

Discerning where our energy is flowing, placing necessary energetic filters around ourselves, and consciously redirecting the energy back within, is a necessary collective shift we are experiencing as AI and technology continues to quicken its development exponentially.

May you feel this shift profoundly within your being. May you give yourself grace and space for how this shift comes into your awareness. And may you be reminded that you are already where you need to be right here in the present.

Always in humble service to collective liberation,


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Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.