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Libra Eclipse Reading

The Libra Solar Eclipse arrives October 2, 2024.

Hey y’all,

How have you been moving through the eclipse portal? How’s your heart? How’s your body?

DEATH shows up right away as I ask what the gift of this eclipse is. Of course, no surprises there. We all know by now that eclipses bring great transformative invitations in surfacing our outdated survival strategies through activating (read: triggering) life situations.

Some of us may be feeling a little overwhelmed right now, wanting to pump the brakes, to catch our breath, to slow down the upheaval. I invite you to slow time down by returning to your breath, over and over and over. We all have the ability to do this.

Time slows down when we get incredibly present. And in our presence, we keenly observe through interoception – the ability to sense and perceive somatic sensations – what we are experiencing in our bodies in these uncomfortably painful and challenging moments.

This death / transformation we’re experiencing is focused and direct. It’s not wishy washy. It doesn’t meander around. No, it’s getting straight to the point. It’s bringing clarity to the invitation of what is no longer working for us individually and collectively. (SON OF DISCS)

For us to embody these changes that are being asked of us, we need solitude and space to reflect. We need Water to cleanse us, washing away the static and debris of the outdated energy. The solitude and quiet is the only way to interocept, to listen to the wisdom held in our vessels that speaks our truth. (FOUR OF CUPS)

We also need to remember to PLAY. To connect to our joy and pleasure through our bodies so that what we are learning and bringing into consciousness can embed deeply within our consciousness. While it may take effort to access that joy and pleasure, it’s needed as we grieve. While Water is cleansing you, splash around in there, too! (DAUGHTER OF CUPS, LEFT)

Joy and sorrow are like conjoined twins – they always travel together. So as we give ourselves permission and space to connect to joy, we also are opening up the door for grief to be expressed, too. The reverse is true as well, so make intentional space for your grief. Put it in your calendar. Find a circle that can support you. My Water + Fire monthly community grief circle is every third Wednesday of the month and it’s always FREE – pull up and join us.

There is great healing happening Earthside right now. (JUDGEMENT) There has never been more love and compassion embodied in humanity than now. As the light here intensifies, so do the shadows. We may continue to see wars and genocides grow even more violent, which can be difficult to imagine. We may witness unspeakable horror become even more cruel.

What we are each growing is a more resilient, fully open heart that can hold even more love and compassion for the shadowy aspects of this material realm with more steadiness and resolve. That can break repeatedly and not harden.

None of us are walking this path alone. We are doing the personal activism work on our Selves so that our liberation can break the chains that keep the collective consciousness shackled.

I am beyond honored to be walking this path with you. To be connected through our hearts on this platform. Thank you for your courage and perseverance. You are blindingly brilliant to behold.

All my love,


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Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.