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Pisces Lunar Eclipse Reading

Unify polarities.

The Pisces Lunar Eclipse happens September 17, 2024 at 7:34pm pst / 10:34pm est.

The energy of this moment invites us to connect and come into acceptance of all those polarizing parts within us…

…the joyful and the sad…

…the celebratory and the grieving…

…the fearful and the excited…

…the dying and the emerging…

…the subdued and the exuberant…

…the contained and the wild…

…the monstrous and the beautiful…

…the light and the shadow…

(2 of cups.)

Each part dances its own movement in tandem among the whole of you. It’s the collectivity of all these parts, dancing their dance, that makes you the vibrant, unique being that you are.

It’s all of these parts, dancing life through your vessel, that allow you to walk “Your Path,” your Tao, in harmony with the whole of humanity. And the whole of humanity is created to dance in harmony with the dance of the Earth and Nature, the dance of the Cosmos, the dance of the Universe. (8 of discs.)

“Your Path” is your allowance of life to be expressed organically through your vessel without resistance. It is not necessarily what you do for an income, but rather how you show up and bring your divine gifts, skills and talents – your “you-ness” – to the party that is our Human Existence.

Just as a guest would never arrive empty-handed, you have been given a unique set of gifts, including how you perceive the world, to share with the other guests, both human and non-human. And these gifts are shared through your craft, your works, your creative expressions, your grounded presence in all the spaces you occupy on the Earth.

In essence, your gift to the world is the frequency of the energies that you express through your body. It’s through your craft and works, co-created with the Unseen and materialized on this Earth plane, that you share these divine frequencies of energy. And each of us receiving your frequency through your craft and works can attune to your frequency. That’s how we receive the gift of your “you-ness.”

Your Path is what this transmission of your frequency looks like in practice. Sometimes your frequency will be bright and joyfully loud. Sometimes, dim and soft. Sometimes, it will be fiery and abrasive. And sometimes, it will be like an oceanic wave, flowing and filling, deep and resounding.

So in holding this, it’s important that we come into greater consciousness about the power dynamics that shape our presence, our decisions, how we wield our energy. (Devil.)

This eclipse is going to invite us to see unequivocally where in our being we are enslaved, imprisoned by outdated beliefs about our gifts and worthiness, held hostage by harsh inner critics, immobilized by fearful defensive survival tactics created by a young ego and body that was doing the best they could to stay safe.

This eclipse is going to very plainly show us where Fear is in control within us, puppet-mastering us to control others or outcomes that we have no business controlling.

It’s going to point out addictions that we employ to avoid pain. Ways that we choose to numb out instead of allowing life to flow through us, to be fully present to everything we feel and to express the full gamut of energetic frequencies that we get to experience through our bodies.

It’s going to illuminate ways that we deceive ourselves through false narratives about the opposition, our pain and suffering, wellness, safety, power and sovereignty.

And through this illumination, we will take a big leap towards returning to right relationship with the Earth and Cosmos, Nature, humanity, the Seen and Unseen. (Strength.)

We will realize that science and spirituality dance together. That the Seen is only able to create with the help of the Unseen. That stillness is how you leap across timelines. That you already have everything you need within you.

Your Path is teaching you how to let go and ALLOW life to happen through you. And to celebrate every moment you get to have here with this precious body on this Earth.

So much love to you as we cross this threshold together,


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Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.