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Virgo New Moon Reading (2024)

Build the structures that allow you to trust, let go, and co-create.

The New Moon in Virgo arrives September 2 at 7pm pst / 10p est. You may be noticing the shift in seasons already reflected in the land.

The Ace of Discs (tilt right) shows up first, marking a beginning of a new chapter of being. We are invited to receive this moment without trepidation or holding back of our energy.

You can see a child snuggled warm and cozy by the fire with a leopard ally, surrounded by acorns for sustenance and contained within a hearth of safety, nurturance, and loving protection. True abundance. This child has everything they need.

This is Virgo energy.

Structure and containment in our lives allows us to create freely within the safety of protection and the anchoring that our Earth Mother provides. Rituals, practices, workout regiments, dietary restrictions intentions, conscious scheduling, income-generating work, invoking the sacred “no” in honor of energetic capacity…

I grew up with a heavy discipline as a child that stripped me of my sovereignty, so I have had to forge a new relationship with discipline by leaning into my resistance of it and learning how it can support me.

When we have the yang structure around us, we can listen more closely to the whispers of our hearts. We create a solid anchoring framework that allows us to let go into the subtle nudges of our intuitions a little more willingly. We can welcome in the invitations held in every moment with more grace and trust.

We humans are not in control, and you might be feeling this a little more pronounced in this moment of your life. (3 of Swords, tilted right) This is a truth that we are all learning and relearning through the events of our world, each one offering a new invitation to surrender and trust in a greater plan that is revealing itself over time. Some of us feel relief in that knowing. Others are freaking the F out right now.

With the embodied knowing that we are not the ones in control, slowly releasing layers of human supremacy through generations and centuries of indoctrination, we open our hearts and being to receive the aid of the Unseen realm that coexists with us.

It is this widening of our hearts’ apertures that expands the flow of life force through our vessels and allows the materialization of our boldest wishes, visions and dreams for our lives, the Earth, the world. (9 of cups, tilt right) It’s this opening of our heart chakras that invites the Unseen to co-create our realities with us, holding our intentions for collective liberation as we manifest what only our imaginations have once held.

To open, we must let go.

To open, we must believe we are not the force behind creation but rather a CONDUIT.

To open, we must believe that we are enough, that we have enough.

We must be able to open to receive inspiration and love (6 of Discs, reversed) and allow ourselves to be filled fully so that we can answer this question, over and over –

What is needed?

What is needed in this moment?

What is needed on this earth plane?

What is needed in this relationship?

What is needed for our highest collective good?

What is needed for me to embody surrender?

What is needed is going to be different for EVERYONE. One size fits all does not exist. It requires us to get still, to listen to our somatic nudges, our intuitions, our hearts rather than reaching outward for validation from others that you’re “doing it right.”

May the darkness of this Virgo new moon call you back into your being to listen to your body, to create the containment you need to let go and trust that you are being given every experience you need to ALLOW the Universe to work through you.

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Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.