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Full Moon in Capricorn Reading

An invitation to come back home to yourself – your heart.

Happy Summer Solstice and Cancer Season y’all!

As a Cancer Rising that is prone towards over-doing, over-giving and burnout, I always look forward to this season of recollecting my energy and turning it back towards my own nourishment.

So the message that came through this reading on behalf of the collective, I deeply welcome today as the medicine I need right now. I hope it supports you, too.

We are slowly rolling towards the exit of yet another cycle of growth. (World tilted left) Perhaps this completion isn’t as obvious or evident in your life right now, but trust that it is indeed happening.

With all cycles of completion, there is always an invitation to celebrate this moment.

  • What are you grateful for right now in your life?

  • What new insights, awareness or wisdom are you actively integrating?

  • What old patterns / ways of showing up are you now conscious of that you’re slowly shedding from your system?

New wisdom is actually new energetic frequencies that you’re learning how to embody and hold within your vessel. The more you learn how to hold this frequency – making different choices than the ones you might have made prior to this new wisdom – the more you are embodying this frequency.

So BE PATIENT and BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF. You’re still learning how to hold this frequency.

As we are all learning how to hold these new insights and show up differently in our lives (read: INTEGRATION), we may not be feeling the forward momentum with creative projects. And we also might not be receiving the kind of support that we’re looking for from the community right now. (10 of Discs tilt left)

We are observing a heightened sense of polarization and binary mentality in the collective right now.

Us vs. Them.

Me vs. You.

  • Who do you label “Villian” and who do you label “Hero”?

  • Who do you despise?

  • Who do you idolize and emulate?

  • Can you see the fallible, wounded human in every single person you named?

In Tao Te Ching 67, Lao Tzu (translated by Stephen Mitchell) says –

“I have just three things to teach:
simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and in thoughts,
you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world."

We are asked to return to a state of solitary creative exploration with this moon and the concurrent transits. (9 of Discs, tilt left) To spend some quality time regrouping our energy, reconnecting back with our Selves – our hearts. To soften and bring our energy into our heart centers to access our essential nature once again. To rediscover who we are in our authentic beingness, what our love feels like when we allow it to guide us, and what it looks like in our lives when we embody this love.

Cancer season is about returning home. So I invite you to meditate on what that means for you.

It can look like directing more energy to your physical inhabited abode which supports you. Perhaps cleaning it out and purging the items that you don’t need anymore. Adorning it with fresh flowers and fragrances that bring you joy. Getting creative and expressing who you are through how you organize and style your space, letting it reflect your essence.

It can also mean redirecting energy towards nourishing your vessel – your Body. The most important life partner you have in this life. Spending time cooking meals with love for yourself instead of DoorDashing. Going to the farmers markets and spending time with the vegetables and growers to thoughtfully choose what you want to put into your body. Appointing a day every week where you go on a leisurely long walk alone to spend quality time with yourself. Choosing to put boundaries on your social media intake and protecting your energy in an act of love and self-compassion.

I personally define “home-coming” as returning to the home of my heart. Rediscovering my joy and allowing space for that joy to be expressed. Giving my heart permission and space to feel, to pour out. Honoring the grief that is held in my lungs that wrap around my heart by creating slow luxurious space to be with all that my grief is holding. (Side note: I have a free monthly community grief circle Water + Fire where we come together to express our grief through a safe and private somatic practice.)

Coming home to my heart requires me to CREATE SPACE FOR ME. Not fill it with social gatherings or client sessions / work. Not focused on creating new offerings or retooling my business. Just time for me to be with myself to simply feel and be present with my joy. It is imperative now more than ever with multiple genocides happening, with climate change, with the hate that is spreading across all factions, even those crying out for ceasefire.

This time of creative expression in solitude helps us to connect again in community, now with a renewed sense of purpose and passion for the creative embodiment of our joy and love. (8 of Discs)

We will come back together, directed and fueled by our individual passions, co-creating side by side. This is the tapestry that we weave together. A work of love and compassion, of collaboration, simple and honest and true. It’s the work of our hearts. The non-violent embodiment of our divine essence.

It requires us to TRUST that we are exactly where we are meant to be right now, to let go and ALLOW the Universe to work through us, not forcing anything to happen but believing in the divine order that is occurring always. Recognizing when we are acting from a wounded place, and actively doing the individual inner work necessary to release the unresolved trauma charge so that we can return to wholeness by loving those angry, resentful, hurt, disappointed, frustrated, enraged, jealous, hateful parts of ourselves – individual and collective.

May we be free.

May we honor that liberation isn’t just about land, but also about limiting beliefs that keep us from loving ourselves and each other.

Standing with you in the pursuit of collective liberation,


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Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.