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Taurus New Moon Reading

What does your heart desire? Make it happen!

This is a fresh new beginning post-eclipse portal (+ Jupiter/Uranus conjunction on 4/20 + Mercury going direct) that brought us a whopping huge invitation to face how we haven’t been honoring our energy, our bodies, our truth.

As we all know, healing is a never-ending journey up a spiraled path that takes us around and around to witness our shadows and wounds from different vantage points along the way.

You have changed.

You have evolved.

You are no longer holding the same frequency you did back in the beginning of March.

So while learning to embody and hold this new frequency of consciousness in your body, you are moving forward and invited to GET IT! (The Lovers tilted right)

  • What does your heart desire to create?

  • What relationships do you want to cultivate?

  • What do you desire in your life?

  • What does a sustainable future for yourself and for humanity look like to you?

  • And perhaps most importantly, what brings you and your body pleasure and joy???

The Lovers is a major arcana archetype, meaning this is a big invitation that is bringing you into a new cycle of growth. You’re being reborn in this moment into the next version of YOU.

You’re moving onward past old disappointments that you were once stuck in, outdated mental prisons that constricted your perspectives of what is possible in this life and in our world. You’ve pushed through some fearful edges and expanded your playing field. (10 of Swords, reversed)

With Mars in Aries, there is momentum and forward action. And you’re coming out of the death portal of the eclipses more open and aware. There is a new level of sensitivity that you’re holding in your vessel. So your intuition may feel a little more easily accessible right now. Not that everything is crystal clear, but there may be a little more allowance, more surrender that you’re embodying. The debris has been wiped away and there is more awareness.

Be mindful (+ heartful +bodyful) of creating space and stillness to listen INWARD. This is what will keep you on your path. You’ve learned that you don’t need to spin your wheels or over-work to make things happen. Hard work (read: “heart work”) is still very necessary, so you need to build in that downtime to check in with yourself REPEATEDLY throughout the day. (High Priestess, reversed)

The High Priestess is another major arcana figure, meaning that in this new cycle, you’re cultivating a deeper, lasting relationship with your body and your Infinite Essential Self (sometimes known as your Higher Self). You’re learning that it is this relationship – this time spent listening inward – that will be the true guidance for you and what you want to create here on Earth in this lifetime. The answers are not outside of you. Everything you need is within, including your access point to the divine, the Universe. So prioritize keeping the connection to your inner wisdom open and smooth.

Change is slow. Evolution takes time. So be patient, and ALLOW what is unfolding for you in this moment to just do its thing. You don’t need to force it to happen. Instead, refocus your energy into maintaining balance in your nervous system and body, and trust in the process. (The Tower, reversed)

The Tower is yet another major arcana archetype, meaning this is a universal shift in your energy that is bringing you into a new way of being, a new cycle of embodiment and what that energy looks like. You’ve done the necessary inner work and now, let everything unfold in its own divine timing.

You’ve developed a new awareness over the last few months that is giving you the green light to move forward. It’s a period of coming out of your cocoon where you had been magically reassembling into a butterfly from dissolved goo. It’s time for you to stretch your wings and feel this new embodiment. Take it for a test flight. It might take a little while for you to be fully comfortable in this new look, this new frequency, but the more you allow yourself to listen to your body and take those intuitive leaps, the more you will develop confidence in holding this new awareness and moving through life from this new energy. Let yourself go slow and steady. (Two of swords, reversed)

A gentle reminder from Venus in Taurus to allow space to connect to your joy and pleasure. Remember your “why.” Why do you desire what you do? Why do you feel called to create THIS dream? Don’t forget the spark that ignites from your heart. And don’t forget to celebrate yourself in this moment of arrival.

There is much to grieve in our world as we witness violence, oppression, greed, disconnection and denial of humanity’s place in the cosmic order. Your divine spark of passion – your “why” – is a needed contribution to the collective antidote that seeks to connect rather than separate, to hold compassion over hateful judgment, to build a sustainable future for humanity.

Thank you for your daily service in just being who you are. And doing the necessary inner work to access the essential truth of your being and embody that frequency for all of us.

I’m humbled and grateful to be walking home with each of you.

In divine service,


Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.