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Scorpio Full Moon Reading

Allow the work you have already done to integrate. It's happening!

Whew! We have been moving through A LOT these last few months. So many changes. So much constriction. So much growing pains.

How’s your nervous system in this moment?

How’s your heart?

This reading opens up with the Wheel of Fortune at the Libra position. Every time I get the WoF card, I groan silently. It’s not that it’s a challenging card, but it always brings an invitation (and reminder) to let go and trust, because we are at the mercy of fate.

But really, when are we not?

The WoF Libra energy talks of balance – balancing out the relational energies we hold for ourselves in tension with those we hold for others. It’s not surprising that this card shows up today, seeing as how we have been navigating the Libra/Aries nodal axis the last year.

We have been learning about energy negotiation – how do we show up for ourselves in deeper self love and compassion? How have we been abandoning ourselves in moments of conflict? How have we over-given or prioritized the needs of others over ourselves? How have we over-considered our own needs over the needs of the collective?

All of these invitations over the past two months – most likely uncomfortable and disregulating to navigate – have brought in a new level of consciousness. And you have been working hard, even if you may not realize it. Chances are you do because it probably has not been a fun ride at times.

All the ways that you have felt that disregulation in your nervous system, the anxiety, the mental looping, is finally slowing down and feeling less intense than before. Maybe you’re even able to crack a joke about how wrapped up in fear you used to be. Maybe not. And it’s ok if the humor isn’t accessible yet. (8 of Swords, reversed)

You are moving through the end of this series of wound-related challenges. You are closing out this round and preparing to enter the next cycle of growth. You have learned how to face your fears and how to be with discomfort with more grace and allowance. Your window of tolerance has widened out a bit. (10 of Swords, reversed)

Celebrate yourself in this moment – you have been doing the work, and the new energy is taking time to integrate into your vessel. Take a moment and look out from this vista point. We always have to stop and marvel at the wonder of our lives, giving gratitude to what you have survived, what innate wisdom is now accessible to anchor you as you move forward.

It’s time to be still, to rest, to create lots of space and aloneness so that you can fully integrate these experiences, embody these frequencies. The space and slow movement allows you to let go and trust, surrendering to the natural flow of these energies. You don’t need to do anything except to create the space to ALLOW the changes to integrate into your vessel. Our bodies are dense and require that space and time to catch up to our inner knowing. (The Hanged One)

This is beyond just a reset. This is a new chapter, a new version of YOU emerging from the rubble dust. You’ve got new Bambi legs that you need to strengthen and practice walking on. Thank the versions of YOU that brought you through to this moment. Thank your incredible BODY for all that they have experienced, seen, felt, survived.

Your body is a remarkable partner in this whole Earth life experience. Honor them and this great adventure you have been on together.

All of this work you is allowing you to better choose authenticity over attachment. To stand in your power, anchored in your truth and values, and fully express your heart without silencing, dimming, hiding, escaping, or fighting. (7 of Wands, reversed)

Yes, there is still some anxiety, some fear, some self-doubt. It’s ok. Honor those feelings, too, as they are there to protect you. You are in the process of learning how to show up more boldly and brighter than ever. You are becoming more accepting of your shadowy cringy parts, recognizing that they deserve love, too. You are honoring your uniqueness in the collective fight for liberation. You are recognizing that your voice MATTERS in all of this. And that collectively, we all are better because of your presence here.

This life is such a privilege. This body is a privilege. There is a mystery to this divine order that goes beyond my pay grade as a human to fully understand. But I am learning to trust and surrender to it. That’s my wish for you and all of us here on Earth.

All my love,


Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.