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Gemini New Moon Reading

What does self-loving nourishment look like for you in this moment?

How have you been feeling this Gemini season so far? Personally speaking, it’s been rough and uncomfortable. But like all moments of contraction, the discomfort has been surfacing much that I needed to receive about ways I have not been honoring myself, which was a central theme in this reading. So I’m grateful to be delivering this message today.

We may be feeling an exhale right now, after experiencing a moment of conflict and struggle. (10 of Swords reversed) I’m reminded that there are always little moments of expansion even within cycles of contraction.

This reprieve is inviting each of us to ask ourselves –

How have I not been honoring my energy and body?

What does love look like in this moment for myself?

The Ace of Cups tilted right invites us to redirect some of that outward energy and pour into ourselves – to fill our cups again so that we can give from that overflow. It’s from this overflow that allows us to stand confidently in our power and authenticity, expressing ourselves without shame or fear.

And when our life force is expressed freely, creatively and lovingly, not held back out of fear, we experience joy and passion flowing abundantly (Son of Wands tilted left). This is the what being in our flow state is.

This is what ALLOWANCE feels like.

This is what SURRENDER feels like.

This is when we create in harmony with the elements and universal cosmic energy. Where our creativity feels limitless and easeful. And we feel 100% supported by the Earth.

Next week, Mars will square Pluto on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 9:21am ET / 6:21am PT. This has historically brought tumult and power clashes. So not surprisingly, The Lovers shows up in reverse for us today. We may experience some power dynamic tensions and conflicts in our lives as we witness them on the world stage. Some of us will experience this power clash within our own bodies, with various parts of ourselves struggling against each other.

These power dynamic shifts always show up for our greatest good, though uncomfortable AF. I see them as invitations to strengthen our convictions about our life paths, our roles and positions in our relationships, our truth and beliefs.

You may be challenged to validate your stance or your choices. It might surface some self-doubt or insecurity. And that’s exactly what it’s meant to do to help you deepen your discernment. To own who you are with greater compassion. To recommit to your chosen path. This is what I’m personally experiencing this week, and it’s not fun. But it’s also necessary for me to recommit and choose my path as an entheogenic death companion, over and over again. So that I don’t grow complacent and unconscious about why I am here.

Remember, this moment of chaos and disconnection is just that – A MOMENT. We sometimes need to break apart and feel that break before we can clearly see how we need to be brought together. How deeply we truly are connected – all parts of us, and us as belonging to a collective body. (Temperance reversed)

We must die before we die, so that we don’t die when we die. So much of the old imprisoned ways of being are peeling off, revealing the new baby skin of creative potentials and possibilities. Together, we are dying so that we can be reborn as a humanity that is in right relationship with each other, our mother Earth and non-human kin, the Unseen.

Keep showing up. Keep utilizing your tools to ground and stay anchored through this transformation. Breathe. Dance. Feed your body non-inflammatory foods. Deepen your relationships with your ancestors and the Unseen.

You are the consciousness having this privilege of an embodied experience here on Earth. You’re here in this time of change for a reason. You and the love you embody is needed here on the planet.

I bow deeply in gratitude to you for being here, sharing your gifts and wisdom and love.


Spirit Medicine Journeys

I offer sacred medicine journey solo retreat programs for spiritual + somatic healing. In each program, I guide you through preparation, ceremony, somatic integration, microdosing protocols, and rituals to expand your connection to the Unseen.

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Coming this fall…

  • Death / Rebirth Group Program – A 12-week cohort exploring personal liberation work through breathwork, somatic therapy, ancestral healing and microdosing. Email if you are interested in participating.

  • JIA – An intimate spirit medicine retreat in Southern California for four AAPI women/femmes. JIA means “family” and “home.” We will walk through a death portal together, honoring the outdated survival patterns we are shedding, nourish + nurture our bodies together, and witness each other in our rebirth. Email if you are interested in participating.

Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.