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Sagittarius Full Moon Reading

A gust of new information and clarity in your direction

Welcome to Gemini season y’all! This full moon comes with a lot of air.

You might be feeling open to a lot more information and ideas coming at you. It might even feel a bit overwhelming at times. (4 of Swords reversed)

If you’re feeling like you’re being swept up by gusts of airy activity and information, find your Earth. This is how we work with the elements –

Too much Air (mental spinning, overwhelm) = bring in Earth through slow breathing (long exhales) and grounding/rooting down.

Too much Fire (explosive rage) = bring in Water and easeful flow (soaking, grief work, spending time near bodies of water)

Too much Earth (stuckness) = bring in Fire through movement, and Air through conversation and reading.

Too much Water (indecisiveness, incapacitating emotion) = bring in Earth through slow breathing (long exhales), and Fire through movement or fast breathing (breath of fire).

April was the bridge month within a bridge year, filled with transformation and big change. You may have felt the initiation into a death portal, or a descent into a death portal that you had already been walking through.

So May has found us integrating what we have been learning, experiencing, receiving. In this integration, you have come into new realizations about your desires, the way you see the world, and your role in our collective liberation utilizing your special gifts.

With this moon and the energetic currents brought in alongside this moment of transition, you’re seeing a path clarify in front of you. (7 of Cups reversed) You’re holding a new vision for your life, the way you choose to be in relationship with others. You’re honoring your life force differently than you had before.

So as you’re moving forward with this new clarity, and with a lot of new information coming at you, you might be feeling a sense of urgency to know exactly what to do, where to go, what moves you need to make, to hurry up and KNOW already. (The Crone tilted right)

Let this be a gentle reminder of the new consciousness and insights that you now embody. And that YOU get to decide with discernment how you want to move forward.

What choices can you make that will maintain a sense of ease, space, and regulation in your nervous system?

Where do you need to invoke your sacred “NO” to others so that you can say YES to what your body is needing, to your truth?

This is how you are putting all that you have learned into practice, rooting this wisdom and consciousness into your body through discernment and choice. Indeed, this is a whole new cycle of life in how you’re now showing up! (The World flew out as I shuffled)

As we move forward together, we’re coming into a deeper certainty of our path in this moment, guided by our cool intellect and intuitive feels. (Priestess of Swords, tilted right) We’re learning to embody a new sense of confidence in the knowing of our true and infinite essential selves.

In my recent walk with 5-MeO-DMT, I was able to receive a profound sense of the divine order of this Universe, and that I was an embodiment of that divine order. Everything that has happened in my life – even all that I would consider “missteps” was part of this divine order. All the ways in which I am experiencing human life in real-time fits into that divine order. I simply need to just show up and ALLOW this path, to which I have dedicated my life, to unfold.

That doesn’t mean throw my hands up, sit back, and just let the Unseen take over. It requires me to continue to envision my life and work of service. To envision a just world that is fully free of human supremacy, imperialism, and patriarchal toxicity. To practice the trauma-informed somatic skills I have learned to hold space for grief and fear (of death). To open myself to receive guidance from my Body, my well ancestors – land, lineage and legacy – and spirit allies on the Earth and in the Unseen.

To witness the shadows within me and honor them as part of my human self. And to witness the shadows in others and hold them in unfailing love and compassion, honoring the gifts in their wounds and the beauty in their defensive survival patterns.

To allow the natural cycles of life and death to exist and flow without resistance. To recognize that in the devastating heart-shatter of loss, there is a breaking open that also happens. A birthing or emergence of a body that can hold a more tender, softer and magnificent love.

It is a tremendous honor and joy to be walking with each of you, sharing my heart through these readings and my writing.

May your path be ever illuminated and clarified by the relentless, unceasing expansion of your heart.

With all of mine,


I have only THREE spots opening up my Death/Rebirth program for the summer.

We are witnessing the world going through a massive death portal of transformation in this moment on Earth as many of us are wielding the swords of our voices and gifts to fight the oppressive forces of imperialism, white supremacy, and human supremacy. 

How are you using your divine gifts and skills for collective liberation?

What holds you back from stepping out and realizing your vision for your life and for humanity?

Where does fear keep you silenced and paralyzed in non-action?

Where does self-doubt in your gifts and abilities show up? 

To die is to be initiated into a portal of transformation. To face the unknown. To bravely dare to imagine a better world that is anchored in connection rather than competition, communal solidarity rather than individualism, and in right relationship with the Earth and all that is.

To die is to allow yourself to be willingly forged in the fires of conflict, meeting uncomfortable edges outside of your familiar safe area, breaking through defensive survival patterns, choosing to express a truth that challenges all you have seen and known.

To die is to bravely step into your fullest and truest creative expression of life force energy, on behalf of your personal and our collective liberation.

I believe in order to be able to do that, we must embody five practical principles –

1. Root…

…to the Earth. Find our grounding over and over amidst the chaos. Forge relationships with our ancestors of lineage, land and legacy.

2. Receive…

…information from our bodies, creating stillness to listen in and learn their somatic language. 

…support from the Seen and Unseen, which requires trust and surrender. 

…support from others, especially when past life experiences have you believing that you must constantly be the one giving.

3. Represent…

…the truth of our lived experiences through honest expression. Unabashedly sharing our truth. Choosing authenticity over attachments.

4. Reach…

…for our dreams and creative vision for our lives. Extending compassion to others who don’t share our views or who might unconsciously harm us. Bridging the ideological gaps that separate us, which require us to soften and find our shared humanity. Developing a trust in our bodies to confront and be with the discomfort and pain from the resistance we will undoubtedly encounter.

5. Rest…

…when our bodies contract and guide us to receive, rather than continue giving on empty. Rejecting oppressive programs that tell us we are unworthy unless we give until we’re empty, carry until we’re broken.

The Death/Rebirth program will show you how to embody these principles through somatic literacy, ritual, medicine, meditation, breathwork and the honoring of nature’s invitations through its cycles of change.

Book a discovery call today to claim your spot in this limited offering. Acceptance into the private program is dependent on booking order so please don’t wait.

Limited scholarship funds are available for those who need financial support. Please inquire during the discovery call.

The summer program cycle begins the week of June 24.

Book a FREE discovery call

Trip with Ellen
Motherpeace tarot wisdom delivered every new and full moon, as well as pivotal seasonal shifts.