Trip with Ellen
Navigating the Rapid Transformation of Now, with Śivani Howe

Navigating the Rapid Transformation of Now, with Śivani Howe

We're back with a new episode! Plus, we're now on Youtube.

Welcome to Season 3 of Mum! In this episode, host Ellen Wong and guest Śivani Howe (medium and intuitive artist) discuss the nuances of living versus surviving, and how the relationship with death impacts the way people live their lives. They talk about the collective navigating rapid transformation of the present, holding conflicting emotions of joy and grief, and the societal shift towards higher awareness. It emphasizes the importance of loving in moments of difficulty and maintaining boundaries while embodying love. Practical advice is offered for navigating these turbulent times through community, self-awareness, and embracing one's higher mind.

About Guest: Śivani Howe is a Medium, Intuitive Artist, Sannyasin and the Spiritual Director of Ishtadev Niwas Ashram, an off-grid retreat center and farm wherein she guides individuals through all aspects of living and embodying their true potential through foundations of love, service and Yoga Ecology. She has travelled the world speaking, channelling messages of love and teaching in ways that raise one’s consciousness and quality of life.

Śivani will share about how connecting to our guides before we transition is often a very supportive way of creating awareness before we leave the body. Śivani's upcoming online program - Roots & Wings offers 6 months of Spiritual Wellbeing Capsules which include live and recorded yoga asana practices, channelled messages and spiritual talks to help you maintain moments of calm and genuine solace throughout your day. Mum listeners can be offered a 10% Discount, using the code weraw10.

Link with Śivani:

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MUM is produced by ⁠Ellen Wong⁠ and edited by ⁠Stepfanie Aguilar.⁠ Your support allows us to continue creating this podcast. If you enjoy this episode, please take a moment to rate and review. Keep this conversation alive by bringing it to your communities.

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If you are interested in working privately with Ellen, visit ⁠⁠ to learn more about her Death/Birth program and her spirit medicine solo retreats.

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Trip with Ellen
Stories of death that inspire us to live LOUD.