Trip with Ellen
Reclaiming the Womb

Reclaiming the Womb

In this MUM episode, Somatic Coach and Bodyworker Amy Jones returns to discuss her complicated relationship with her womb space, the therapeutic value of body work, and the process and implications of hysterectomies.

Content/Trigger Warnings: sexual trauma

About Amy Jones:

Amy Jones is a weaver of story and ritual. She is a Somatic Coach and Bodyworker, utilizing her many years of training to inform her work. She is the creator and host of Rituals Of Our Mothers, a podcast dedicated to exploring and healing the daughter/mother relationship, and interlacing the simple yet profound sacred acts of ritual and self-care into meaningful memory.

In April of 2022, Amy published The Blue Oracle and The Cave of Woes, a love story depicting the depths of human struggle and victory told through the melodies of poetry. Find Amy on Instagram or Facebook @ritualsofourmothers

Link with Amy:

MUM is produced by ⁠Ellen Wong⁠ and edited by ⁠Stepfanie Aguilar.⁠ Your support allows us to continue creating this podcast. If you enjoy this episode, please take a moment to rate and review. Keep this conversation alive by bringing it to your communities.

Follow Mum on Instagram ⁠⁠@mumthepod⁠⁠.

If you are interested in working privately with Ellen, visit ⁠⁠ to learn more about her Death/Birth Program and her spirit medicine private retreats.

Water + Fire Free Community Grief Circle is every 4th Tuesday of the month at 6p pst / 9p est. Register here.

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Trip with Ellen
Stories of death that inspire us to live LOUD.